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Transport, Logistics & Infrastructure
12 lawyers
59 clients
Transport, Logistics & Infrastructure


Infrastructure is all about building assets

Our infrastructure and transport experts combine extensive legal knowledge on all aspects of Bulgarian and EU law impacting infrastructure development and operation with experience in all key areas to guarantee investors, operators, and public-sector entities the smoothest running of projects.

We provide integrated legal advice in a number of relevant areas, including:

  • applicable infrastructure and transport regulations
  • property
  • commerce
  • public procurement
  • concessions
  • competition
  • dispute resolution 


Our firm’s significant experience includes:

  • extensive work with central and local governments as well as bidders, sponsors, and lenders in a number of concession and public procurement projects.
  • the organization of and participation in tenders and bids, including tenders related to European structural and investment funds.
  • participating in negotiations.
  • participating in consultation procedures.
  • transactional work related to the negotiation and execution of contracts based on public procurement, European Structural and Investment Funds, and concessions procedures.
  • the drafting and execution of project and financing documentation.
  • regulatory work.
  • employment and social security in transport, overtime, and remunerations.
  • litigation, liability for damages, insurance cargo claims, and customer claims.